Meditation Mantras
1. Aum Govindaya Nama
2. Aum Rudraya Nama
3. Aum Aparajitaya Nama
4. Aum Amritaya Nama
5. Aum Shanti Supreme Beloved
6. Gayatri Mantra
7. Not My Will But Thine Be Done
8. Buddham Saranam Gacchami
9. Jiban Debata
10. Dak Eseche / Call Has Come
11. My Own Gratitude Heart Is All That Matters
12. My Lord Beloved Supreme
13. He Murali Dhar Tumi Chiro Manohar
14. Habo Ami Atmabhola Param Shiber Mato
15. Like The Supreme Lord Shiva
16. O Make My Mind Tranquil And Calm
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Aum Govindaya Nama
Mantra for Protection
Aum Rudraya Nama
Mantra for transformation
Aum Aparajitaya Nama
Aum, I bow to the one who never accepts defeat.
Aum Amritaya Nama
Mantra for delight
Aum Shanti Supreme Beloved
Mantra for peace
Gayatri Mantra
Aum bhur bhuvah svah tat savitur varenyam
Bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo nah pracodayat
We meditate on the transcendental glory of the Deity Supreme
Who is inside the heart of the earth, inside the life of the sky
And inside the soul of the heaven.
May He stimulate and illumine our minds.
Not My Will But Thine Be Done
Not my will but Thine be done.
Buddham Saranam Gacchami
Buddham Saranam Gacchami
Dhammam Saranam Gacchami.
Sangham Saranam Gacchami.
I take refuge in the Buddha.
I take refuge in the Dharma.
I take refuge in the Sangham.
Jiban Debata
Jiban Debata Daki Animesh Khama karo aji more
Ogo sumahan jagater tran jagi jena shubha bhore.
O my life’s Lord Supreme,
Sleeplessly I invoke You
To forgive me today.
O great One, O world’s reality-salvation,
May I be fully awakened
In purity’s auspicious dawn.
Dak Eseche / Call Has Come
Dak eseche dak eseche bishwa prabhur dak.
Call has come, call has come, Lord Supreme’s call.
My Own Gratitude Heart
My own gratitude heart
Is all that matters.
My Lord Beloved Supreme
My Lord Beloved Supreme, with every breath of my heart
I enter into Your Heart to love You only in Your own Way.
My Lord Beloved Supreme, with every breath of my heart
I sit at Your Feet to need You only in Your own Way.
My Lord Beloved Supreme, with every breath of my heart
I look at Your Eye to fulfil You only in Your own Way.
He Murali Dhar
He Murali Dhar Tumi Chiro Manohar
Habo Ami
Habo Ami Atmabhola Param Shiber Mato
Like the Supreme Lord Shiva
I shall remain in the self-forgetfulness trance.
Like The Supreme Lord Shiva
Like the Supreme Lord Shiva
I shall remain in the self-forgetfulness trance.
O Make My Mind Tranquil And Calm
O Make My Mind Tranquil And Calm
Charidike neharite prashanti dham
In "Meditation Mantras" Ananda are:
Suswara (Harmonium, Vocals)
Dave (Guitar, Vocals)
Sahadeva (Synthesizer, Vocals)
Devashishu (Vocals)
Garga (Bouzouki, Vocals)
Bahumanya (Vocals)
Cover Illustration: Vilas Ed Silverton
All words and music composed by Sri Chinmoy
(except words to Gayatri Mantra - traditional Indian Mantra)
Arrangements by Ananda